Living Hope
Presbyterian Church

A Bible Believing Family Church

A ministry of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church

330 Schantz Road
P.O. Box 3522
Allentown, PA 18106


Member Directory
(restricted access)

As a presbyterian church, Living Hope is governed by elders who are ordained to teach and lead the congregation. We have both teaching elders (or pastors) and ruling elders, who together make up the Session, the governing body of the church.

The Pastor of Living Hope is

Rev. Tim W. Young - is the Pastor of Living Hope. He is a Lehigh Valley native, a graduate of Emmaus High School, and formerly served in the US Navy. He holds a B.A. from Moravian College, and an M. Div. from Reformed Episcopal Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. He has previously pastored congregations in the Pittsburgh and Wilkes-Barre areas, and was a home missionary in Scranton prior to his coming to Allentown in 1990.

The Ruling Elders of Living Hope are:

Charles R."Bob" Scott

Living Hope also recognizes that God has established the office of deacon, and to the men who have been ordained to this office, He has committed this ministry of mercy. Through the deacons, the particular needs of individual members within the church are met, particularly physical and financial needs.

The Deacons of Living Hope are:



In addition to these ordained offices, we also have the office of Trustee, which does not require the office holder to be ordained. Trustees are given the oversight of the physical property of the church - the building and grounds, as well as the general operating finances of Living Hope. The board of Trustees is made up of all elders and deacons, as well as elected members from the congregation.

The elected Trustees of Living Hope are: